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Motorcycle Illustrations By ArtKore
UpOnOne.com Staff ReviewVoodoo AirbrushingMar 3, 2003
By: Eev C.User Rating:
Viewed: 13,186 Time(s)

Well if you haven't noticed, when you go to buy a helmet you got two options. You could go for your plain Jane single colour thing or, you could rock a race replica off the shelf type helmet. Now if you decide on the single colour helmet your probably lookin at spending 300-600 bucks, for a freakin factory design price jumps to a ridiculous 800-1200 dollars. What I've noticed is even if your gonna drop big dollars on a helmet with a nice design, you'll find that you'll never have the only one. When buying a helmet, if you want something original then you're gonna have to do it yourself.

When I first started riding, that was the boat I was in, I wanted something different but noticed that all the wicked helmets were the most popular, thus every freakin person had one. I wanted something different so I turned to airbrushing. When looking for an airbrush artist you'll find that there are a lot of them. Problem being that finding a good artist is like finding a short in you're wiring. Many use shit paints or don't give you a smooth finish because of all the taping they do or don't sand or give the helmet a good clear coat. When looking for an airbrush artist, look at their work, preferably in person; pictures just don't do these guys justice. If that's not possible, go with someone that is recognized in the industry or is suggested by reputable people. I was lucky, I found Voodoo Airbrushing out in Pickering Ontario (Canada). After looking at a few other places (though their prices may have been cheaper) and comparing their work, Voodoo had something the others didn't. The owner Gerald has an amazing team and the stuff that comes out of his shop is priceless show quality shit! You want a bike painted, helmet, hockey mask, car, whatever; the quality of work is unreal. When I first got the Shoei RF700, I didn't really know what I wanted and didn't know what to expect. I found a photo of a dragon that was pretty dope and asked Gerald to make it happen. I also added that he could add to my design if he wanted. Well first off, turn around was just two weeks, this was good cause I needed that helmet for my training course. Shit, no helmet, no license, no riding, that would have sucked but Voodoo didn't let it happen and returned the helmet just in time!! Well when I went to pick my helmet up, I couldn't believe it, the detail alone was flippin amazing!! Best of all, it was all done by hand, no taping, no lines no nothing. That was my first helmet (lasted bout three years, then....), cause we all know what happens when you do stupid shit, you end up getting bit and damn did I ever. You know how it starts; loft the front wheel then, scrape, crash, ground, sky, ground, sky, ambulance. Pretty much all in that order. Well I was pissed, screwed up my bike and worse, mashed my helmet. Feck, back to the drawing board. Well now I knew a bit more, wanted something even better a bit louder and went to work. I found Roof, a helmet company from France that had a sick new design. Mind you getting that shit to Canada was a flippin effort. Either way, I also just got a new bike (GSXR6, Corona colours) so wanted something that matched. Well I worked out the design myself this time, brought a piece of my fairing (the only one that wasn't so crunchy) for the colour match and again, gave Gerald a bunch a money and asked him to work his magic. Well did he ever, this thing turned out to be unbelievable. Personally I don't know which helmet I like better, I was satisfied ten times over.

Both helmets have stood up over time and abuse (except for my little misfortune), the Shoei was done in 97' and still looks mint, the Roof was painted just last year and I hope it will last through my antics. One prob, these helmets do attract attention, girls will jump out of car windows to tell you how pimp you look; walking in a mall can become an all day event too.

Gerald at Voodoo Airbrushing does it proper. All of his paints are top notch a la House of Kolors (check out the prism paint on the dark checkers of the Roof.) On the Roof helmet, there was some taping done for the flag but u could never tell, this thing is smooth like my stand ups (ok smooth like something smooth really...) Not only that but you gotta love a business that knows the true meaning of customer service. I am a guy that just walked in off the street, but was treated like a Don. Voodoo will give you what you want but let me tell you, you'll get much more. Check out the pics, or drop off at his website, www.voodooair.com. Better yet, drop by, check out his work, see what he does, you won't be disappointed.

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